Saturday 23 July 2011

Lets party!

Tonight I am having a party, there’s going to be drinking and everything that comes with that. I have started looking at my house with the eyes of a drunken person, ‘can that be smashed’ ‘can I slide down the banister’ ‘Will that make good fire wood’. I am on tender hooks. My friends are (and I don’t say this to be cliché) very rock ’n’ roll most of them are in a band (them bare bones) and live a very band life style. After one night with them I want to run away and sleep for a decade.
I live on a mountain just nine houses in a row, my house is detached so I don’t really have to worry about the noise (except my next door neighbours have just had a baby so will be telling everyone that if they wake her up they have to get her back to sleep).  As living on a mountain suggests I live surrounded by a forest, this leaves loads of opportunities for Blair witch games and epic funniness at walking into trees, at least that’s how I view it when I have my drunk head on. My sober head is all well to aware of the dangers of getting lost or actually walking into a tree would mean. Why do I do this? Why do I say let’s have a party guys? I only end worried sick until I have a few drinks down me!
So guys wish me luck, wish that no one wakes up the baby, or actually does get abducted by the Blair witch, after all how do you explain that one to the police?

Saturday 16 July 2011

Camelot here I cometh

I want to live in the time of King Arthur. I’m not even sure why exactly. Though I fancy wearing long beautiful dresses and having men lay their cloaks over puddles for me to walk over. Also the idea of seeing knights ridding around on horseback doesn’t repulse me either.  I always think of this time as hopelessly romantic and simple. No cars or anything like that, having all your family and friends around you, or at least only a horse ride away.  I would love to look out of my window and see nothing but endless woods and hills and some little country cottages, not factories and roads and millions of people. I would love to walk down the street and be able to talk to everyone, know everyone.  I am lucky if the people on the street smile back at me, they all seem to be in a rush and in their own personal little bubble!
I know it wasn’t as perfect as I am making out; of course the health care was ridicules, and personal hygiene? Well, who even knew what that meant! And as much as I hate to admit it I bet the men didn’t lay down their cloaks for the women then either, (I asked my Boyfriend to do it once and he laughed) I don’t care if I am wrong, I want to live in my ideal Camelot, with my own personal King Arthur to protect me from those pesky puddles.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Music part of my blog. Week one Vertical Horizon.

I have decided that every week I will post on my blog a song from a band that you might not know a lot about, a band that does not get allot of recognition, or have simply fallen out of favour, and time. The reason I am doing this is because I am so depressed by the stuff that they are playing on the radio at the moment! To me it is not real music. It’s mostly rap and if it is a good song, you can bet your ass that there’s going to be a rap somewhere in it. Is it just me who is thinking this then? I do not want to call it crap (though to me it defiantly is) because I think that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And people must like it otherwise it would not get made in the first place. It’s just not my cup of tea.  So I thought I would share with you some of my favourite songs every week.

My first one is Vertical Horizons- Everything you want.   This song is exactly what I think every girl has felt at some point in their life, that perfect guy, he’s always charming to you, he’s really sweet, you just don’t want him, and you don’t know why.  Vertical Horizon has some other really good songs, so check them out guys.
Link to you tube for song

Thursday 30 June 2011

A new tallent

The last week I have been learning how to play the guitar. My uncle Rob has been giving up allot of his free time and dare I say it patience to teach me. I believe it is going very well. At least the stuff that I am strumming out now sounds vaguely like actual music, and not just screeching sounds.
I have been learning on an acoustic but the last couple of days I have been practising on the electric simply because of the fact I left the other one over my goddaughter’s house. However the electric seems to be allot easier on my fingers. Let me tell all you non guitar playing people that it hurts, and I mean really hurts. Though now my tips of my fingers are num and hard which my rock ‘n’ roll friends tell me is exactly what I want to happen which I guess I am glad about. The playing is allot easier!  I have really been pushing myself to learn lots of songs that I can play and  sing I believe I am doing okay, at least I haven’t had the neighbours coming around here asking me if I was strangling a cat or something.  Saying that now I bet they are over here first thing in the morning.
I am very much looking forward to the day where I can sit in front of a camp fire and play some decent stuff. Who knows maybe one day I will be a world famous guitar player asked for by all those kids you see on ‘my super sweet sixteen’ demanding that I play at their party.... let’s not hold our breath though, yeah?

Monday 27 June 2011

A ramberling ramble

I haven’t written a blog in a while and I realise I have got quite a bit to say. First thing my boyfriend is on the other side of the world... well okay Greece but it still seems far! At first I thought that he was dead in a ditch because for the first few days that he was over there he neither contacted his mother or me. I was prepared to be very annoyed at him, until he did get in contact and told us that he had been ill and confined to his room, I suppose I will forgive him for not finding a computer the minute he got there and reassuring me that his plane did not go down in flames, mind you it depends how good my present is. I have to say I am not too happy with Dan at the moment any way, for some reason Matty had decided to hero worship him, he does not want to know me, his Aunty Jess any more he just wants Dan. It’s gotten to the stage where I can’t walk into the room without Matty asking for Dan it’s as if he is saying ‘how dare you come here and not bring Dan.

My Goddaughter how ever is still remaining loyal to me. I love the age that she’s at at the moment because she has just started to play imaginative games. We had a tea party the other day and it was just so cute watching her make pretend tea, she even knows how I like it, milk two sugars.  I feel that this is a good thing for the future.

I don’t know what is up with this weather at the moment, we seem to be going through all the seasons in one day, it’s really doing my head in, it’s hard to pick out an outfit that is going to withstand blistering heat, tropical thunderstorms and the occasional hurricane, it’s just not possible.
Well any way I am off to town, at the moment it is raining but apparently very warm.... ohh I wish we could just all go around naked.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

A day our with my Will

Yesterday I went to Hay-on-Wye with my friend Rhys. For those of you who don’t know what this place is, it’s my most favourite place on earth... well at least in this country. It’s a quaint old town with more book stores than you can imagine. It’s miraculous.  I am a great reader, I have grown up among books and I count being able to devour a book in a day one or my talents. Hay for me is like my drug; just being around all those books makes me thrilled. I one day hope to own a house there, not just because of the book stores it’s also so lovely and old fashioned, a perfect county village. Also the sweet shop will see me nicely into obesity.
My friend Rhys is also a great lover of books, and we have now made it a tradition to go there together at least once a year, normally we I have to say we go for the annual Hay-On-Wye book festival. However this year circumstances meant we couldn’t make it. Nevertheless we decided to go up to the village for the day any way.  I am glad we did, spending time with Rhys is a better cure than eating a load of chocolate if you’re feeling a bit depressed.
On our day out however something really bizarre happened. We found ourselves not looking for the next book store, but for the next antique store! Our friendship has changed, we are no longer book friends we are ANTIQUE friends! Believe me no one was more surprised than us. We found ourselves going through the shops decorating our fantasy homes in all these wonderful things we were seeing. And our friendship grew; we were not just united in our love or books today but also in our love of expensive antiques!
Will to my Grace
We'll get the specs and everything


Sunday 12 June 2011

Slippery slope of vanity

I see allot of people on facebook who have their profile picture of them in a bathroom mirror. I never fully understood why you would go out on a night out and stand in a bathroom for a good five minutes to frame the perfect shot of you in the mirror. It seemed in my head stupid, a pointless exercise that takes valuable time away from drinking and talking to people.
 However when I went out last night I found myself in the bathroom looking in the mirror with my phone in my hand pointed at the mirror. I don’t know how it happened! But all of the sudden I was doing what I thought I would never find myself doing. I was into the bathroom framing the perfect photo of me with every intention of it being my Facebook display photo. I had fallen in to the trap. The lighting in the toilets you see was perfect. I looked (I know it might be vain to admit it) quite good. I just had to take the photo.

When my friend came out of the toilets, wordlessly we framed ourselves again in the mirror and took more silly photos off ourselves. I wasted what has to be ten minutes of my valuable drinking and laughing time in the toilets taking photos of myself and friends.

What has happened to me? I have converted into a drunken girl who looks for the perfect bathroom with the correct lighting to take that vital profile picture. When will the madness end? Will I now only go into pubs and bars that have the precise lighting for my picture in the toilet? If they don’t will I be disgusted and leave? I have no idea... but I have indeed gone crazy... I might actually find myself in my own bathroom very soon working on my angles; I think I am on a slippery slope.